Prof Emilio Martínez-Pañeda
Title: Towards a Virtual Corrosion Lab: a new generation of mechanistic, multi-physics models for pitting and stress corrosion cracking
Prof Emilio Martinez-Pañeda is an Associate Professor at the University of Oxford. Prior to joining Oxford, he was a Reader (Associate Professor) at Imperial College London, where he led an interdisciplinary research group from 2019 to 2023 (2019: Lecturer, 2021: Senior Lecturer, 2023: Reader). Before that, he was an 1851 Research Fellow at the University of Cambridge. Prof Emilio Martinez-Paneda’s research spans a wide range of challenges lying at the interface between mechanics and other disciplines such as biology, geology, chemistry and materials science, being particularly known for his pioneering contributions to the area of environmentally assisted cracking. Prof Emilio Martinez-Paneda has been the PI on over 5M GBP of funding in the past five years (ERC Starting Grant, UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship) and his work has been recognized through multiple awards, including the 2021 UK Young Engineer of the Year (Royal Academy of Engineering), the 2022 Imperial College President’s Medal for Excellence in Research, and the 2021 Gustavo Colonnetti Medal (RILEM).